
1. Matka alkaa


2. Iso karhujärvi


3. Savuvuori


     4. Viimeinen erämaa


 5. Taivaan tuli

6. Tähtien henget 

Return to the Wild

1. Island of Shadows

Toklo, Kallik and Lusa survived the perilous mission that brought them together, and now it's time for them to find their way home. Kallik and Lusa are ready to be among their own kinds again, but Toklo, devastated by the loss of their companion Ujurak, feels hopeless and afraid of what's to come. When the group reaches a shadowy island covered in mountains and ice, Kallik is sure their almost back to the Frozen Sea. But a terrifying accident leads them into a maze of abandoned tunnels, unlike anything they've ever seen before- making them question their path once again. The bears grow desperate for a sign to guide them, and when they meet a cub who has lost his whole family, Toklo believes the cub has been sent by Ujurak. But the others are unsure. Can they trust their new companion? Or could he be hiding something that will endanger them all?

2. The Melting Sea

Toklo, Kallik, Lusa and Yakone trek onward toward the The Melting Sea, battling the elements and struggling to move quickly as the ice begins to thaw. Kallik is anxious to reunite with her brother, Taqqiq, and the rest of the bears at her old home - but Toklo and Lusa can't imagine continuing their journey without her. As they cross the Melting Sea, the foursome encounters Shila, an injured white bear who tells them that a vicious gang of bears is terrorizing others for food and land. Kallik is horrified to discover that her brother has joined these fierce bears. Can the Seeker bears convince Taqqiq to come back to the right side? The future of the close-knit team is uncertain. As the bears face separating for the first time since their quest began, they struggle with the difficult choice between returning home or remaining with the companions who have become their true family.

3. River of Lost Bears

Now that Kallik and Yakone have decided to join Toklo and Lusa on the rest of their journey home, the foursome heads toward warmer territories. Spring is coming, and Toklo and Lusa are overjoyed to be away from the ice, surrounded by green forests and flowing rivers once again. But their progress is slow, and Toklo grows desperate to leave the struggles of their journey behind. As the group pushes toward the mountains where brown bears roam, Toklo must decide whether to see the quest through to the end... or to start a new life on his own.

4. Forest of Wolves

After a harrowing journey toward Toklo's home in the mountains, the four bears finally arrive. Toklo is thrilled to be surrounded by familiar sights and warm memories of his cubhood. Yet Toklo's homecoming has come at a price. Yakone is dangerously ill, having lost part of his paw in a flat-face trap, and Kallik is wracked with guilt that Yakone's decision to join her on this quest might cost him his life. As the struggling polar bears feel the pull to return to the ice and Toklo begins thinking about a life in the mountains, Lusa is left to wonder where she belongs. Is she ready to find her own way if it means leaving her friends — the only family she has left?

5. The Burning Horizon

As the weather grows warmer, Toklo, Kallik, Lusa, and Yakone ar Lake in time for the Longest Day Gathering. Even Toklo, who has already claimed a new territory in the mountains, has promised to stay with them until Lusa has found a home of her own. But when Lusa is unexpectedly seperated from the others, she must face her past--and make a decision about her future.

6. The Longest Day

Lusa, Toklo, Kallik, and Yakone have returned to Great Bear Lake for the Longest Day Gathering. This means being reunited with the familiar faces of bears they have encountered throughout their travels—but it also means returning to life among their own kind, which may not be as easy as they thought.


Toklo's Story

Aurinkomursun epävirallinen suomennos:

Harmaakarhunpentu Toklo toivoo olevansa jonain päivänä metsän mahtava valtias hänen veljensä, Tobi, rinnallaan. Toiset harmaakarhut voivat kulkea yksinään, mutta Toklolla ja Tobilla tulee aina olemaan toisensa.
He ovat kuitenkin toistaiseksi liian pieniä puolustamaan itseään, ja kun uhkaava harmaakarhu pakottaa heidät lähtemään, heillä ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin hylätä kotinsa. Pystyykö Toklo auttamaan perhettään uuden kodin löytämisessä - vai saattaako hän heidät vielä suurempaan vaaraan?

Kallik's Adventure

Aurinkomursun epävirallinen suomennos:

Jääkarhunpentu Kallik ja hänen veljensä, Taqqiq, asuvat lumisen mäen kyljessä sijaitsevassa lämpimässä pesässä. Heidän emo, Nisa, kertoo loputtomia tarinoita maailmasta pesän ulkopuolella, eivätkä Kallik ja Taqqiq malta odottaa kaiken tuntemattoman tutkimista. Nisa väittää, että he ovat liian pieniä lähtemään pesästä, mutta se ei estä pentuja seikkailemasta salaa.

Suunnitellut mangat

Lusa's Tale

Aurinkomursun epävirallinen suomennos:

Mustakarhun pentu Lusa ja hänen hyvä ystävänsä, Yogi, elävät eläintarhan Karhulinnassa. Tämä on Lusan tuntema maailma. Hänen isänsä, Kuningas, kertoo tyttärelleen, ettei yksikään karhu ole koskaan lähtenyt Karhulinnasta, mikä ei kuitenkaan estä Lusaa seikkailemasta samalla, kun hän yrittää oppia lisää maailmasta eläintarhan ulkopuolella.

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